Flamingo is a psychotic hitman. Comic Vine users. She is seen only in a few panels but has not been caught yet, but due to her involvement with Bane and the Scarecrow, manages to defeat Batman. He appears as an enemy of. Paul returned years later and attacking the various villains who had recruited him, all in an attempt to get to Batman. To date, Earth One has spawned two sequels, and we're hopeful Johns and Frank have at least one more volume planned that will focus on a certain Clown Prince of Crime. She seldom speaks, which leads people to think she is, "Mike" (alias Kerry Austin) is a common man who takes a course at the Academy of Crime and starts using illusions as a gimmicked villain. The Terrible Trio are three brilliant criminal inventors who are known as the Fox, the Shark and the Vulture. Black Spider is the name of several DC Comics villains; the first two are both primarily the enemies of Batman. Mr. The second Mad Hatter or the imposter Mad Hatter. She has carried those feelings of fear and resentment with her ever since. A genius with a penchant for villainy, Lex has always been a true villain. Batman Villains appears in 629 issues. But Callender does not want them killed and uses a paralysing ray on the two. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Formerly normal people that have been twisted genetically into rampaging monstrous giants at the hands of Dr. Hugo Strange. In both forms he is a criminal and can perform a number of spectral abilities that make him tricky to combat (such as his ability to phase through solid matter), as well as being in the comics he has appeared in the DC Animated . Actually it was Kent and then it became Dent but that was played with a little throughout the years. Steeljacket is a bio-engineering experiment, a cross between man and bird. An agent of chaos known for his malicious plots, wacky gadgets and insidious smile, he has caused Batman more suffering than any other villain he has ever faced. Becoming a shape-shifting figure in the Gotham underworld, Proteus emerges as the nemesis of the. This time though, he used counterfeit thousand-dollars in bills as a distraction. Comic Vine users. Conjoined russian twins who once separated, became henchmen for opposite villains in Arkham City. Bullets bounce off Silversmith thanks to a silver alloy woven into the fabric of his white suit. He is a recurring nemesis of the superhero Batman, known for being augmented by a drug called Venom. He seeks to destroy Batman Inc. and believes that killing criminals could save more lives. Dodge was left in a coma after the battle and Robin took him to a hospital. send you an email once approved. A second Wrath, Elliot Caldwell, later appears in, Zebra-Man is a high-tech scientist named Jake Baker whose body is irradiated, granting him "magnetic" powers to attract or repel metal, wood, stone, and human flesh. The streets were choked as citizen sought the money. Ray Man could create visual illusions out of a hole in his head. A member of the Joker's organization whom he, twice, leaves to die. Diana was defeated in a sword fight against Katana. Radioactivity transforms Ned Creegan into a skeletal-looking "living x-ray photo" who calls himself Bag O'Bones and battles Batman and Robin. Penguin's henchwoman who he sends to target a disguised Charlotte Rivers. When he tried to kill his fourth victim he was stopped by Robin. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. She was frequently romantically attracted to Batman (and Bruce Wayne on occasion), and repeatedly suspected they were the same person. The original Blaze and his successor were pretty much unrelated. Fans may be shocked to know this, but the most powerful crime boss in DC Comics is Lex Luthor. He has been stopped by Batman in the past by applying a severe blow to the back of the neck, Mike Patten was an engineer in Gotham City that believed a civilization 15,000 years ago was wiped out due to a massive earthquake. Outside of the different letter on their chests, the Wrecker and the Exterminator looked a lot a like but the two characters had very distinct backgrounds. In the comics, Batman encountered him just once, but False Face later became a villain in the, Burt Weston is a wannabe actor who dreams of getting a big break by playing quirky villains. Paul Strobe is a scientist who can shoot beams from his eyes that can transmute matter into another and focuses them through the special lenses of his goggles. He eventually returned to the Bat-Family and assembled a team of anti-heroes known as the Outlaws. Some characters originally conceived as heroes have come into conflict with Batman. As the Firebug, Rigger insanely sought revenge, not on landlords or manufacturers, but on the buildings themselves, destroying them regardless of how many innocents died. She is the closest ally of Dollmaker. The best DC villains are often the primary antagonist for the best DC heroes. During a battle with Robin, Zatara and Rose Wilson his body inexplicably vanished and he is pressumed dead. He and Proteus were defeated in a deadly soccer match against Black Lightning and Metamorpho. Preston Payne is the 3rd Clayface to fight Batman. Unquestionably the first Super Villain Batman encountered. One of the most notorious crime syndicates in the world. where he was treated with a compound similar to that of Clayface, warping his mind and body. He is later caught stealing pennies and gets the, Professor Norbert starts a crime wave using gimmicks based on the nine planets after inhaling a strange gas which turns him into a ", A man recently released from an asylum with a Napoleon Complex who invents a destructor ray, which is released from a. Professor/Doctor Achilles Milo is a scientist who uses chemicals to battle Batman. The two stop Rob's last robbery of a painting by a warehouse guard who was about to throw it out anyway, and he is then drawn back to his era. Created by none other than Bob Kane, Batman inventor extraordinaire, Dr. Crane is a psychiatrist who uses a variety of fear-enhancing drugs, toxins, and psychological warfare tactics to exploit the fears and phobias of people, including Bruce Wayne. Introduced under writer Grant Morrison, in alphabetical order (with issue and date of first appearance), In alphabetical order (with issue and date of first appearance). As the first Robin, Dick Grayson was the most famous sidekick in comic book history. He was lobotomized by the mob and was recruited by them. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll He took the plan a step further by letting Antal paint a series of portraits of Gotham wealthiest citizens. A group of masked vigilantes who use extreme methods to deal with crime in Gotham City. Nora Fries, Mr. A camera-headed villain that uses cameras in his crimes. . Joker's henchman assisted Joker into stealing people's signatures so that Joker can commit greater crimes. The first person to don the identity of "Anarky," is teenager Lonnie Machin. Victor Zsasz, known as just Zsasz, is a serial killer. Brought together in Villains United, a group of villains faced off against other super criminals. Dave Corby is an agent for MAZE that battled Robin and Batgirl on occasion. The man who ruled over Nazi Germany during World War II. He first appears in. He gives detailed plans for. Jackie Glee was a man working for Sal Maroni, but failed him for not killing a police officer named James McDouget. The Riddler (Edward Nigma) is a criminal mastermind who has a strange compulsion to challenge Batman by leaving clues to his crimes in the form of, Was originally an unnamed scientist in the story "Robin Dies at Dawn" and was later revived as Doctor Simon Hurt over 40 years later claiming to be, The Scarecrow (Professor Jonathan Crane), an insane psychologist/biochemist who lost his job for his methods, specializes in the nature of, Tweedledee and Tweedledum (Dumfrey and Deever Tweed) are a pair of cousins whose similar looks often have them mistaken for. She often finds herself at odds with Batman, though they have, on occasion, fought on the same side. Forging himself into the pinnacle of physical and mental potential and becoming "king" of his prison, he learned of the Batman, "king" of Gotham City . His hair turns white because of this experience, and he makes a vow to annihilate the forces of justice in revenge for the death of his parents. He had a female companion named Gunbunny, later, Gustav DeCobra is a vampire, very much in the classic. Lynss adopted the name of Firefly and became a crazed arsonist. He also appears as an enemy of Damian Wayne in the future. His best-known latter day appearance is in the miniseries, Catman (Thomas Blake) was a world-famous trapper of jungle cats who turned to crime because he had grown bored with hunting and squandered most of his fortune. Yet, what are their intentions, for good or evil? Having cemented his reputation, he starts offering odds on the relative success or failure for the plans of various criminals, all in exchange for 25% of the take. He is also responsible for cutting Joker's face off. Bart Magan tried to use a device that would erase a facial scar, but ended up erasing his face. A crime family led by Athena that includes Bugg, Dr. He appears as an enemy of Damian Wayne in the future. Were there Killer Moths? He fights Batman to a standstill and nearly kills. A former British secret agent, Alfred is a skilled surgeon who often treats members of the Bat-Family. He also encounters the. Perhaps most controversial with Batman's identity is the, The first villain that Batman faced was Alfred Stryker, on his debut appearance in. A henchman of the Ventriloquist that was imprisoned at Blackgate penitentiary. Nero Nykto Spoilers for Batman #125 by DC Comics. Abraxis became aware of the New Earth dimension when Waverider came into existence. He killed them, and believed he had absorbed some of their life force at their demise. He has succeeded in deducing Batman's identity. He fought Batman after shooting Nightwing. "And so we wait, patiently. He was later revamped as a rescue dog, rehabilitated from his earlier days spent as a guard dog for the Joker. Bane is a fictional character and supervillain in the DC Comics, and a major antagonist of the Batman comics and series, serving as the overall titular main antagonist of Batman: Vengeance of Bane and the rest of the Knightfall story arc. Later, the alien villain, Formerly crooked investor Warren "The Great White Shark" White, who avoids prison time by pleading insanity and is sentenced to, Liam Hawkleigh is a highly paid mercenary who has encountered Batman and Robin several times. Batman and Robin are then bound and gagged. He is killed by Jean Paul Valley (Azrael) during his tenure as Batman.He appears in four issues: Detective Comics #625 (January 1991), Batman #505 (March 1994), Batman: Shadow of the Bat #27 (May 1994), and Batman #508 (June 1994). The Firebug wears an insulated costume containing hidden tanks of a concentrated napalm derivative that he is able to project from hidden openings in the fingertips of his gloves. Under the costumed alias of Catwoman, Selina Kyle, is a cat burglar with an on-again, off-again, romantic relationship with Batman. Ninja Man-Bat's created by Talia Al Ghul and used to enforce the League of Assassins. Despite being a relatively recent villain, Pyg has quickly become an incredibly recognizable villain. Carmine The Roman Falcone was the head of organized crime in Gotham City during the early years of Bruce Waynes return to Gotham. The Monk's hood has been in a glass display case in the, The Mortician was trying some reanimation techniques to raise his dead parents, but when one of his, An assassin named Nicodemus (not to be confused with Thomas Hart who is also known as Nicodemus) takes up the mantle and costume of the original NKVDemon, and is hired to kill, The third NKVDemon initially works for Ulysses ", Real name unknown, he uses dream-inducing gasses to rob his victims of their sense of reality. A group of super-powered operatives created by Kobra based upon some of Batman's most powerful rogues in an operation against Stagg Enterprises. Evil djinn that tried to assasinate Ali Ben Kahn who was the prince of Dhubar. The Ogre has increased strength and the Ape has increased intelligence. Abyss is a Badhnisian criminal, created by Lex Luthor to be his own Batman. He wore a red cassock, with a hood that bore a skull and crossbones on it. He took pleasure in liberating people from a "pointless existence" and was eventually diagnosed as insane by Arkham Asylum. Years later, however, Batman learns that his former mentor is a master criminal. Ned Brann is an elusive, knife-throwing criminal, his true identity concealed by a red hood, who commits his crimes aided by a gang of red-hooded henchmen. Lazlo Valentin, or better known by his supervillain name Professor Pyg, is a DC comic book villain, and an enemy of Batman. The Caped Crusaders suspect the new arrival may have illegal motives. Originally a young GCPD detective who had an affair with the young Jim Gordon. A constantly changing black ops group composed primarily of incarcerated super-villains who perform black ops missions with a low chance of survival in exchange for the possibility of a shortened sentence. A criminal genius who pulls off a twenty million dollar heist in Gotham City before being defeated by Batman. Ra's al Ghul, whose name translates to "The Demon's Head" in Arabic, is the centuries-old leader of the League of Assassins. The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime, is Batman's arch-nemesis. Decades later, costume themed gangs became common place in Batman stories but the Three Devils stood out by appearing a generation earlier. The most notable "leader" of the Red Hood Gang was the man who became the Joker. DC is home to the "World's Greatest Super Heroes," including SUPERMAN, BATMAN, WONDER WOMAN, GREEN LANTERN, THE FLASH, AQUAMAN and more. Villains led by Dr. Hurt as an antithesis to the Club of Heroes. First speaks a message, unseen, to Batman in, Ms. Dorsey is a young woman that is diagnosed with an incurable disease. They ram it with a log and the Beast shatters into fragments. A criminal make-up artist and master of disguise who uses his skill to impersonate wealthy people. Skin Talker has a unique skin disease that make words appear on his body. She is an accomplished thief and martial artist whom bears steel-clawed fingertips. Riddler frequently tries to outsmart Gotham's hero Batman, but is always defeated by the Dark Knight. (He self-proclaims this a lot.) She eventually became Jim Gordon's second wife and for a time briefly took the role of commissioner of the GCPD. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, mastering martial arts, detective skills, and criminal psychology. Crazy Quilt is an artist gone mad, and one-time member of the Secret Society of Super Villians. He later appears under a new name, Bradford Thorne, in, Dr. Ryan Smith is a brilliant scientist and media personality. The pair exist in a never-ending series of battles that have cost Batman greatly over the years. Dr. Hugo Strange is a brilliant but disturbed psychologist with an obsessive vendetta against Batman. Professor Pyg proclaims the . Crazy Quilt has been . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Cash Carew, Barney the Blast, and the Flamethrower don similar costumes to Batman with purple in place of gray and their symbol a skull with bat wings in a bid to destroy their nemesis. A former girlfriend of Bruce Wayne, Una Nemo received a bullet in her head, and survived. Paul Sloan actually appears as Two Face 2 long before he becomes Charlatan. Excess, Freeway, Mr. Fun, Suicide King, Technician, and the Tracker as its members. The World's Greatest Detective Becoming Cryonic Man, Philip sought organs to replace those of his wife which were failing bringing him into conflict with Batman and the Outsiders. Batman's Villains are among the most iconic in comics. He often wears costumes to correlate with the date of the designated crime. Judson Caspian is a socialite by day and an ultra-violent. Years later, during a tunnel prison break, Harrah almost drowns in a wave of toxic sewage that mutates him into a, In the earliest days of Batmans career, the Monarch of Menace represented the Dark Knights only failure, being the first criminal ever to defeat Batman and leave Gotham with a fortune in stolen goods. 1 Joker Just Wants To Make People Smile. His name comes from the black and white stripes on his body. Catwoman is a fictional character originating from DC Comics. Kobra operative Eve would form another incarnation that would menace the Outsiders led by Eradicator. Later stories made the distinction clearer. For a 20 percent cut, the Eraser will 'erase' the evidence of another crime. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Formerly the D.A. His criminal enterprise built upon the hope that he would eventually meet Robin again and kill him. The Four Fates; The White Whale; The Case of the Lucky Law-Breakers; Christmas. Johnny Witts employs quick-thinking and quick-reflexes to outwit Batman. Supposedly a series of people who became the killer for different reasons. Gotham City is one of the most notorious cities in America for both crime and corruption, and as such has some of the toughest and most relentless mobsters. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Yet his money and wealth have gone on to fund massive criminal empires . A henchmen of Maxie Zeus who believes that he is Julius Caesar. Later he gained shapeshifting powers and became the Ultimate Clayface. The Misfits are a group of second rate criminals assembled by Killer Moth. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll The sources used were Batman, Detective Comics and World's finest. The first female antagonist Batman encountered. The Penguin (Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot) is a devious crime-boss who is seldom seen without one of his trick-umbrellas, and performs crimes based on birds. He is then tortured and disfigured by Two-Face and experimented on by Scarecrow. It covers Batman's enemies from 1939-1956. The Cavalier came off as a Mr. Baffle 2.0. He perishes in his first appearance. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, mastering martial arts . The original group included Lady Clayface, Planet Master, Elemental Woman, Zebra-Man, and Spectrumonster. Detective Lady Elaine Marsh-Morton is a woman hailing from a rich British family. Anguished and seeking vengeance, he initially turned against his mentor and father figure and took on the Clown Prince's former identity: the Red Hood. In his first outing, he is apprehended by Batman, Robin, and Superman. Atlan, The Dead King. Alfred Stryker first appears in Detective Comics #27 and is the very first Batman foe. Antagonist of Infinite Crisis. A secret society of Gotham's wealthiest and most influential people, controlling the city since its founding and burying its existence in fairy tales and urban legends. He was vacationing in Europe when he fell in love with the artwork of one Pierre Antal. A criminal who frames the Joker for placing people in animal enclosures that echo their names. Joker's henchman who was a part of Joker's crime circus. Eve's group included Windfall, Syonide, Fauna Faust, Dervish, and Spectra. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. His weapons of choice are explosive bombs. Query's real name is Diedre Vance, and she is a common henchwoman of The Riddler. Top Stories FanSided 2 years Marvel's Helstrom first-look photos aren't super exciting, but it'll do for now He was discharged from the police academy for being too gung-ho, and dismissed from several security jobs (the animated version had worked at, The Mad Hatter (Jervis Tetch) was inspired by the lunacy of, Dr. Kirk Langstrom invented a serum to give him, Maxie Zeus (Maximillian Zeus) was a former history teacher until he became an insane mob-boss with an obsession for. Graham was an expert builder of replicas of ancient weapons for movies. A brilliant botanical biochemist, Pamela Isley is a fervent eco-terrorist out to save the world's plant life by any means necessary. As an infant, Norman S. Rotrig was mutilated by his insane father to be a living masterpiece of art. In this case, Cheetah is the most consistent foe of Wonder Woman. The list is chronological, based on when Batman first encounters the character as a villain. When he awoke, the thieves were gone, but Batman was there. This is a list of fictional characters from DC Comics who are enemies of Batman and members of the Bat family. Atlan is an ancient ruler of Atlantis who represents all of the . He claims the Joker sent him a note threatening to place him in a lion cage, and uses this as an excuse to get bodyguards inside a secure area, which he uses to commit a robbery. Mayor Wayne He takes control of the underworld and almost succeeds in defeating Batman before apparently being killed by, Sterling T. Silversmith (alias The Sterling Silversmith) has been obsessed with silver since childhood and now, as a silver-haired older man, has amassed a fortune in stolen goods. Maxie Zeus' henchman and member of the New Olympians. Aware of Bruce Wayne's secret identity, and assuming the identity of criminal mastermind Hush, he sets out to destroy Batman. She eventually proved this hypothesis in the Bruce Wayne: Road Home story. The second Ventriloquist (Peyton Riley), called "Sugar" by Scarface, has surfaced in the pages of. As the most iconic DC villain in history, the Joker naturally became one of most memorable characters in Batman: The Animated Series. Catwoman. He, just like the Batman, had lost his parents to a Gotham crime at an early age. In The Animated Series and later in the comics it was revealed this was due to him trying to help his wife, who was frozen due to a terminal illness. During the Batman's first several appearances, Gotham City was largely controlled by the Falcone crime family, a local mafia division with ties reaching far out into Chicago and New York. He would cement his place as Spider-Man's greatest villain by killing the hero's first love, Gwen Stacy. Batman and Robin apprehend Catfoot Regan trying to rob jewels from the movement of a huge clock at a clock fair. A renowned hunter turned bumbling villain, Thomas Blake lived with a lion pride in the wild to rediscover himself. In the Post-Crisis comics, Paul Sloan is a successful actor who is persuaded to impersonate Two-Face by a number of Gotham's villains when Two-Face refused to join their scheme with Two-Face's coin landing with the unscarred side up. Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Barbara Kean (Batman: Gotham by Gaslight), Carnage (Spider-Man and Batman: Disordered Minds), Catwoman (Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders), Clayface (Batman: The Brave and the Bold). He is quick to anger and turns into a murdering monster. He is pursued by the First Lawmen of Mars, who teams up with Batman and Robin, having observed them from Mars. Final Crisis #6 - How to Murder the Earth. Norman Osborn, the original Green Goblin, is the patriarch of an entire dynasty of Spider-Man enemies, from his son Harry, Peter Parker's best frenemy, to a whole legion of goblin-themed spin-off . He has incredible skill and intelligence on various heroes. He is also the boss of "Matches" Malone, the criminal whose identity was taken over by Batman. Joker's henchman who assisted Joker into stealing the golden golf clubs of the Maharajah of Nimpah. One of the most infamous criminal organizations in Gotham City, headed by patriarch Carmine "The Roman" Falcone. Professor Pyg is a deranged gang leader who wears a pig mask and grafts synthetic doll faces onto his victims, whom he uses as henchmen called Dollotrons. In the 90's, James Robinson created a single story re-envisioning of the character for the Legends of the Dark Knight story "Blades". He then heads to, Johnny Witts is the self-proclaimed "Crime-Boss Who's Always One Step Ahead of Batman!" His puppet, Scarface, is a mobster and has a firm hold on Wesker's psyche. An ex-painter who leads a double life as a master thief, he is, Matthew Thorne, the go-to surgeon for all criminals and a criminal mastermind in his own right, but he would stop his crimes to minister to the sick or injured. Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. He would later become leader of Young Justice. After helping the president of a small South American republic against a dictatorial rebel, Batman and Robin are confronted with another menace a Rainbow Beast. The story is told in "Broken Nose", written and illustrated by, Madame Zodiac first appears committing horoscope-themed crimes in Gotham City, but is defeated by, Margaret Pye is a jewel thief who targets only jewels named after birds and then replaces the jewels with booby-trapped replicas. Comic Vine users. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Knight of Vengeance She lost an eye at some point but is easily recognizable by the distinctive blue gem in her eye socket. The majority of Batman's foes do not possess super powers, being organized crime bosses or insane costumed criminals. Sulphur also encounters, An out-of-work scuba-diver, Joseph Meach gained the combined powers of the, The Condiment King is a D.C. Comics villain who makes use of various condiments, sometimes capable of causing, The villain known as "Copperhead" first appears in Gotham City in a snake-costume. Brainy Walker was paroled after three years for counterfeiting and immediately set out to commit fresh crimes. Art by Sheldon Moldoff. crane& A very resourceful and inventive serial killer, White Knight's ultimate goal is to kill Arkham inmates. One of the Demons Three. The Joker hears of his framing, and places Lyon, Batman, and Robin inside a lion cage, but the Dynamic Duo are able to escape with Lyon, who is arrested along with the Joker. He first planted the phony bills around Gotham City and broadcast clues to there whereabouts. 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